You're at the right page guys!

What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]


Hash is not just tags

Its true , the age of twitter in coming soon. But maybe it already is but around this part of the world it dont mean shit. Mainly because people dont know how it exactly works!
You ask someone about their twitter and there's just 4 possible replies
#1 I'm already there , let me look you up!

#2 I joined it ages back but i dont 'use' it.

#3 I forgot my password ( then you click on forgot password!)

#4 I can't handle this and facebook!

First of all , Twitter  is a Micro-Blogging site and not a social network like facebook .Although twitter can do you magic if you'd like to be up to date with the world. But i think you need to contribute to the world of what you know too! But i dont think you can get it if i put it in words , but here's a few videos to what its about!

And another one ,

And about them Hashtags,

Oh , just a little statistics of my own , I think Justin Beiber would be trending on twitter most of the times !! hahaha

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