You're at the right page guys!

What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]


December , again

Its gonna be a year since this blog was started! but that doesn't change a thing does it? only difference between then and now is that twitter just got cooler . And one hell of a rough year in college , and right now , a 2 week god-sent break.

And speaking of college , here's a little something something that came up about 3 years back ..

But seriously , its no big . What ees BIG though is that Sagar Gahuri and ShivaGuru (@spinbirdman and @shivaguru2010 / #DrunkGuru) gonna go flying with Capt. Ruchir Jindal! Well to know how well that went , we'd just have to wait.

But seriously , it wouldve been much cooler if it was skydiving.. dayum..
Oh and do i even have to say it ! 

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