You're at the right page guys!

What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]


Time Flies

I'm pretty sure everybody notices how time flies , although some of you might not agree  , well , if you agreed you'd just contradict Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

So anyway , what i'm trying to get at here is that when time flies so fast , things change , for example , those disney cartoons kids used to love , is now for adults too! a calendar is out soon!
There's something about Cinderella though ...

So , about time and technology , a lot of shit happening in this world , too much to talk , so i'd rather not give you any information that you could have got yourself using google or some shared facebook post. Although , heres an interesting video ..

For more Disney Princesses.. Click here

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