You're at the right page guys!

What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]


On the way there

So we're back on , this site was not aimlessly left behind , but something else is coming up in this space. Soon you might even be missing the black background and the straight white lines with this plain interface.. Yeah thats right a new layout is coming up and i can assure you it's gonna be completely different.


I know it took a while (There i go again) but then it's been a month or two and we got a little carred away with things . You know what i mean..

BTW , Shoutout from Danish Ah!med reminding you again that no biriyani is rupees 4 in this world , but Coronet Special Chicken Biriyani™ is Rs.75

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