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What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]


Playlists and Dogs

Wassup guys? it's sunday again , Looks like everybody bleed their way blue to victory , only thing they didn't realise is that even the Srilankan team's Colour was blue! Now dont argue that it is indigo and not blue..
Anyway , so i come across Nithin Thej's (Follow him on Twitter @Nithinthej) iphone , n browse his playlists , dayum has he got a lot of them! you have to see what i'm talking about , a playlist telling him not to make anymore playlists!
 Anyway , About Roach , remember that little Fon dog , which i was telling you about earlier , well it's female , it wasn't male . Same shit different day. Roach is now Roachelle , Since you know , she's a bitch...

PS. This post is a new post , and so it is NEW , so you know what i'm saying...

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