You're at the right page guys!

What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]


Chromepet on fire.

Yo the party's happening , no where other than Chromepet! though mates Sagar & Arshad outta town, Aditya's place is giving out heat fumes!! its started right after the results came out and continued after Richen and Yashwanth joined ;). If you haven't heard yet , here's the poster..
Click on it if you can't read it!
Yeah now thats a different story, im just promoting it ;)

Also there were bunch of other guys who were taking a nap at their house after excessive Gatorade, you know..;)

Not much news from the boys in Majeri , but everyone's looking forward to day after tomorrow, Ameena's Nikah! :D

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