You're at the right page guys!

What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]



Woof woof mfkas! we got a new dog in the block , and this time , HIS name is Roach.

Yeah , if u tried guessing the Breed , you're most probably right! cause it is a Labrador Retreiver Fon.

And yeah , if u really wanna know how Roach joined the party , here goes the story..

At first it was times of desperation , the times when Vishnu KK (U can click right on his name if u dont know him) :@ used to hallucinate like himself in the wide open grass next to a lake surrounded by fluffy golden labrador puppies and they all jump on him while he lies on the grass , only in reality he looks like this while hallucinating...

Back in the day , Sagar was all like..

OK , but now times changed and so did a Dirty Bugger's underwear.

More pics of Roach will be uploaded soon, but since we're talking about dogs , here's a little update from Spyro , that bitch is getting bigger and bigger , and shes got on thing in mind..

there're 2 hidden links in this video ,
try n find out what they are and where they lead to..

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