You're at the right page guys!

What can i say? scroll through the page like you're scrolling through your brain , reminisce the times, even if it was just two days back =]


Fifty bucks

Well what do you know..  you can still get something for fifty bucks in chennai yeah 50。
You can always check them out yourself theyre close to city centre..

But you know what else you can get for fifty bucks ..
A tickt to the grand JAY STARRING movie.. check below


The path to wisdom

Well first of all , this is my first post through an android phone !(using blogger for android) .boy did I have trouble finding such an app for the blackberry ..
Anyway here is the shit ok trying to say..
Amanita muscaria yeah thats the word AKA Muscaria Mushrooms , its a type of magic mushrooms u can say but only this little mushroom (not so little) has a story of its own.

Heck Super fucking Mario used to pop one of these and gain lives..

Anyway .. So that mushroom is conceptually believed to be
(shoutout to ppl who know Sanskrit)
"soma" which referred to as a holy plant / juice aka the gods consume it to see the light.

a ápāma sómam amŕtā abhūmâganma jyótir ávidāma devân c kí nūnám asmân kavad árāti kím u dhūrtír amta mártyasya
In English..
We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered. Now what may foeman's malice do to harm us? What, O Immortal, mortal man's deception?

So its the drink of the gods or engineering ... Either way or both intact I believe can lead one to the path of wisdom.


You know what's crazy

So its December , Deadly December , its like the judgement month of the year for some people , im not sure it applies to you cause you are just an imaginary reader to me :D .
So anyway , down on the ground cocaine! it is pretty clear now that BOB AKA #Bobtheiyer is a closet Crack-head..  unbelievable , here are a few disturbing images!

 [Children and Pregnant Women are advised not to view them]

[PS You never know if you're pregnant , ;)]